Saturday 8 March 2008


I enjoy....

Walking around campus at night, when everything is so quiet and unreal - the streetlamps casting off bright, orange light, diffusing through the boughs of trees, portal-like, another world, illuminating swirling dust and leaves in the night, like an old, rattling projector in an old movie house.

Just the night before, i was walking back from school at 2 a.m. - apparently im one of those people that inspires lively discussions on the 2 way radios of campus security. Walked out of the foyer and through the carpark, it felt as if i was in another world - so detached from this world i felt, floating almost across the vast empty space, just me, myself, I and the night. The incandescent, white, phosphorous glow from those bulbous, perfectly rounded lamps that light up the carpark partially - almost, in the darkness, floating in the night, a surreal, beautiful wonderland.

Is it that i have too wild an imagination, or is it i who am too detached from this world, yet paradoxically too entwined in it, ebbing and flowing like time and like all of mankind? Or am i just mad? These nightly strolls have become a source of many questions indeed.

That night i slept fitfully. A white, dreamless sleep. Or was I awake, and awakening a dream?

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