Friday 14 March 2008

Taiwan: Tainan and beyond

Maobitou, the southernmost point of Taiwan brings up vivid flashbacks of windswept cliffs, treacherous trails that wind along and even at stretches descending into the tiny strip of sand at the foot of the cliffs, where the waves crash into the rocks and sand, sending up huge gusts of spray and flavouring the air with sea salt.

The area, being smack by some stormy seas, is rightly famous for its seafood - amongst which the more exotic include flying fish, wings and all, and the puffer fish, an interesting tasting, if a bit expensive delicacy. Tried this one, but the thing i remembered most was not the taste but paying loads for the small portion served in a paper box...

The Marine Park in nearby Kenting is also a fun day trip - the whales are so cute! Again, some great coastal views, strong crosswinds and the salty, tangy sea air thats a nice break from all the city slicking and mountain trekking of days before. I've always liked the coast and the sea, and find it liberating - Limitless, perhaps, in its vastness and continuity.

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